Wednesday, December 1, 2010


As you may have noticed, I've made a Facebook page, if anyone cares to follow me over there.  If you don't, anything really important will be posted here as well, but I figured it would be convenient to have another venue.

On a related tangent, if things get very quiet around here, it is because I used up my whole post buffer while I was on vacation, and have a LOT of knitting to do if I'm going to meet my next couple of deadlines.  As usual, I need to learn to knit faster!


  1. Hi Kim! I LOVE all of your beautiful designs and creations. Can I place an order for something cute for Aubrey? I saw a picture of Sophina in the cutest hat and sweater set...just let me know if you're up for it and how much. You are so talented!!!

  2. Aw thanks. :) My mom actually made that sweater set... I don't do colorwork. Also, I'm up to my eyeballs in sample knitting for upcoming patterns just now, so can't take anything else on. I wish you lived closer, I'd totally teach you how. It would be fun. :D
